Friday, April 01, 2005

Nothing to say....

I wanted to enter a log since I haven't in a while...but I have nothing in particular to say. So, I'm just going to free write any snippet of an idea that comes into my head.....

I wish the snow in my front yard would melt already...

It seems ironic that the evangelical religious "right to lifers" who fought so hard to keep Terri Schiavo alive, are the same people who believe that she's now passed on to a "better place"....

I wish I had enough money to bankroll myself to really practice No Limit Hold'em, because I think I can be very good. Practicing in "free games" kills your strategy because no one bothers to fold....

Diet Dr. Pepper actually tasted better than regular Dr. Pepper...

I wonder if Jason is big enough to hike up a small mountain with me this summer...

Opening day for MLB on Sunday night. Sox/Yanks with Wells going against Randy Johnson. I just called to upgrade my cable package and they can't do it until Monday I can't watch the damn game!!!

My wife wants me to paint the kitchen AND do the taxes this weekend! Nice!!!

I'm throwing Doug a bachelor party next weekend. We're going to go to Mohegan Sun Casino in the afternoon. I'm a little torn between the fact that I should be social and therefore play the popular games w/ all the fellas (Caribbean Stud Poker, Roulette, Craps, Slots), but for me that's guaranteed dead money. If I could bury myself in a $4/$8 limit hold'em game for a few hours, I have a good chance to come out ahead. Oh well...maybe I'll play Caribbean Stud Poker for a little while, and then try to convince them to hit the race book with me. At least in there you can hang out at the bar between races and not spend too much $ on a losing proposition....

I need to start jogging. I hate it, but I'm way too mushy so I really need to suck it up and hit the pavement this spring.....

I wonder what's the most Libertarian state in the country. I want to find out and move there. I'll bet it's Nevada....

I want to try Jonny Walker Blue. It's way too expensive to buy a bottle..and incrementally much more expensive if a bar has it available by the shot. I like the black label, so the blue must be unbelievable....

I guess that's it for now.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Down goes Philly....DOWN GOES PHILLY!

This is just too much! The Pats have won the SuperBowl AGAIN!!! I will admit that it was an ugly game, but still, what an amazing run this has been.

Unfortunately, I didn't really get to enjoy the game very much. I had this big plan to make chili, nachos and buffalo wings for the game. Pre-game, I was going to keep my kids busy doing football arts&crafts and then order them pizza for dinner.

Well, as it turns out, we had a terrible, HORRIBLE, stomach virus run through our house all weekend. I'm talking throw-up EVERYWHERE! My kids have still not learned to "hit the bucket" when they boot...oh no...they walk and puke so that they can spread the maximum damage throughout my house. And, I had it so bad that I was sitting on the can, shitting my brains out WHILE puking into a bucket simultaneously.

By the time kickoff came around on Sunday night, my daughter and my wife were feeling better, while my son and I were still hurting. Jason spent the whole game lying on the couch, moaning with stomach pain, and passing the most rancid gas imaginable. I, instead of my chicken wings, nachos, chili and beer, sat with a blanket over my head, shivering from a fever, drinking tea and eating small quantities of crackers and plain white rice.

Oh well...that's my sad, sad story...but at least I got to see the entire game, and the Patriots are once again World Champions.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Pats are in the Superbowl...again!

We're not on Loserville any more baby! The RedSox won the World Series and the Pats are set to repeat this Sunday.

I wish the game was on at 8:00 instead of 6:30 because my kids will be a pain in the neck if I try to withdraw attention from them to watch. I'm going to try to do what worked for me two weeks ago for the 6:30 AFC Championship Game. I'll get the kids up early in the morning, keep them awake and active all day....including having them skip their usual afternoon nap...feed them supper at 5:00....tub at 5:45....and let them pass out on the couch at 6:29.

Then, I'll carry them up to their rooms and be ome free to watch in peace. The only thing I have to try and do is to be quiet while I watch the game. Last year, I spent a lot of time yelling at the TV during the 2nd-half slug fest against Carolina. Perhaps if I eat so many buffalo wings that I feel sick by half-time, I won't have the energy to jump around screaming.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the game...and my next post will frequently include the word DYNASTY.

Friday, December 17, 2004

A killer Cigar

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...

Note to self:
I had a killer cigar this weekend while tailgating at the Patriots game. It was a CAO Anniversary series, box pressed, torpedo maduro. It was very good and I would definitely consider buying a box.

Although not quite as good as it's Padron Anniversary series counterpart, it's a whole hell of a lot cheaper and almost as good. The Padrons are outstanding, but at like $16/cigar and rising, too expensive to fall in love with. I think I bought the CAO for about $5.50 or $6.00. Still not cheap, but worth it at about 1/3 the price of the Padrons.

I think I've moved on from Punch to CAO as my favorite cigars overall, with an honorable mention for MonteCristo.

Monday, November 29, 2004

It's been a while...

I've been so busy that I actually forgot that I had created this Blog. I was reminded of it when I spoke to my sisters on Thanksgiving, who had apparently Googled me and found it. So it's been a month-and-a-half and many things have happened.

First, for those how have been living in a cave for the past month...THE BOSTON RED SOX HAVE WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!!

Down 0-3 to the Yankees in the ALCS, they came back to win it and made the mighty Yanks the biggest chokers in the history of Major League Baseball! Then, they went on the sweep the Cardinals in the World Series. They truly earned the right to be called champions. What more can you say about that?

Then there's the Pats, who are now 10-1, and look to me like they are going to be ready to win back-to-back championships. Unfortunately, the only game they lost was to the 10-1 Steelers, which will make them the second seed in the event of a tie; meaning that they would most likely have have to go through Heinz field on there way to Jacksonville. I'm going to hold out hope that the Steelers rookie QB will choke somehow or other in the next 5 weeks and blow a game. MAN....DO I HATE THE STEELERS!!!

On the home front, Jason's doing really well at school. He's learning a lot of new things, but unfortunately, the ability to control his behavior is not one of them. He's such a smart little bugger, and I think that is what makes things so difficult. I think we need to pull him away from the TV more often, but that's getting difficult to do now that the winter is coming. Maybe I can buy him a giant hampster wheel or something.

Emily is also learning many new things, and is joining her older brother in the behavior department. Let's see, we have, biting, tantrums, crying, clinging to mommy, throwing food, pulling hair, resisting being put into her highchair or car seat, and worst of all....sleeping problems. But, just like Jay, she's cute as hell.

HELP....I NEED DR. PHIL!!!! Actually, although I complain, it's not that I dislike having kids, I could just use a break once in a while. We do have a lot of fun too, and I'm very proud of them.

Christine, is trying her hand at becoming an Avon lady. So far she's made a little $$ from it, but it's actually more work then I would have thought. So, I'm trying to support her in any way that I can. It's good for her to do something besides raise toddlers and we could use some extra cash too. I hope she can make this work out.

I have a lot more to say, but I should actually be working while I'm here at work, so that's it for now.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Tired and Frustrated

It's been a week since my last log, and a lot has happened.

The Sox SWEPT Anaheim in the ALDS and the Yankees beat Minnesota in 4. Last night was game#1 of the ALCS re-match and let's just say it does not look promising for the Boston Dirt Dogs. Curt Schilling, our stud, OUR ACE, got completely shelled before he was yanked (no pun intended) after 3 innings. This was, in my humble opinion, 2 innings to long to leave him in. His ankle is hurt and it looks bad. He had nothing last night and everyone knew it right away. This injury is apparently going to bother him throughout the rest of the post-season and may in fact put him on the shelf without even pitching again. The Sox mad a good comeback in the late innings by turning a 6-0 deficit into a 7-8 game going in the 8th. The final score, however, was 10-7 Yankees. I'm very tired from staying up for this late game!!! Pedro will face Leiber in the Bronx for game#2 tonight.

On a more positive note, The Patriots won their record breaking 19th game in a row against the Fish on Sunday. This was no big surprise from a 13 1/2 point favorite, but what a great accomplishment. They are now 4-0 this season, and so are the Jets. The Bills and Dolphins appear to already be out of the picture, so barring a huge meltdown, I think it's safe to say that we will most likely make the play-offs again this year. This Sunday should be great with the Pats hosting the solid looking 3-1 SeaHawks at 1:00, followed by (let's hope) ALCS game#5 at 4:35. Not that I'm likely going to get to watch either of these games...maybe I'll get lucky and the kids will go down for a nappy nap at the same time during one of these games.

Speaking of my kids, Jason is doing well in school. He still wakes up every morning and declares that he's not going to school, but he seems to have no problems with the separation at drop off, and reports that he's having fun at the end of each day. Today he has gym class and tomorrow will be his first school portrait day.

Emily is also doing great. She loves to pet her kitty and feed her kitty treats. She starting to talk too. She was looking at a picture of animals today and said "sheep"...when we looked at the picture, she had her finger right on the sheep! She got it right and said it clearly! Now if she would just sleep at night.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Jason's 2nd Day

Uh-oh. Jason's 2nd day of school did not go quite as smoothly as day 1. Before I left for work this morning, I gave the little guy a kiss and said, "have a good day at school today."
He then looked at me and replied, "Oh, I'm not going to school today....I'm going to stay home and watch Barney."

At that point, I knew we were a in trouble! My wife reports that he was very defiant after that. He gave her a hard time getting dressed, struggled to resist being buckled into his car seat, and repeated over and over during the drive over that he didn't want to go back to school. Then...HE FREAKED!!!

They do this curb side drop off/pick up thing where you pull over and a teacher opens the car door to collect the child.. Apparently that did not go over too well and he threw a total nutty....kicking, screaming, crying, squirming, thrashing, etc. Once the teacher finally got him out of the van and began carrying him toward the school gym, he stuck both of his arms out and cried, "Mommy, don't leave me."

And that was the last thing my wife saw/heard before she had to pull away. Needless to say, she's now a basket case with guilt and anxiety.

The good news is that upon picking him up for the day, the teacher reports that he calmed down fairly quickly and actually had a good, fun day.

On the baseball front, The Sox pounded the shit out of the Angels last night. Manny and Millar busted out the big sticks to back up a solid Schilling performance. Anaheim also hurt themselves with errors, which is just fine by me. The Yankees also lost 2-0 to the Twins. I have mixed emotions about this series because although I feel like going through Minnesota is the easier path to the World Series, who wouldn't like to see a re-match of last year's ALCS between the Yankees and RedSox?!! Although, that would just suck if the Sox lost it again in game 7 or something stupid like that. Check that....I want the Yankees to lose this series in 5 so that we can face a tired Twins club

Tonight... game 2 between Pedro and Bartolo. That should be a good one.