Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Tired and Frustrated

It's been a week since my last log, and a lot has happened.

The Sox SWEPT Anaheim in the ALDS and the Yankees beat Minnesota in 4. Last night was game#1 of the ALCS re-match and let's just say it does not look promising for the Boston Dirt Dogs. Curt Schilling, our stud, OUR ACE, got completely shelled before he was yanked (no pun intended) after 3 innings. This was, in my humble opinion, 2 innings to long to leave him in. His ankle is hurt and it looks bad. He had nothing last night and everyone knew it right away. This injury is apparently going to bother him throughout the rest of the post-season and may in fact put him on the shelf without even pitching again. The Sox mad a good comeback in the late innings by turning a 6-0 deficit into a 7-8 game going in the 8th. The final score, however, was 10-7 Yankees. I'm very tired from staying up for this late game!!! Pedro will face Leiber in the Bronx for game#2 tonight.

On a more positive note, The Patriots won their record breaking 19th game in a row against the Fish on Sunday. This was no big surprise from a 13 1/2 point favorite, but what a great accomplishment. They are now 4-0 this season, and so are the Jets. The Bills and Dolphins appear to already be out of the picture, so barring a huge meltdown, I think it's safe to say that we will most likely make the play-offs again this year. This Sunday should be great with the Pats hosting the solid looking 3-1 SeaHawks at 1:00, followed by (let's hope) ALCS game#5 at 4:35. Not that I'm likely going to get to watch either of these games...maybe I'll get lucky and the kids will go down for a nappy nap at the same time during one of these games.

Speaking of my kids, Jason is doing well in school. He still wakes up every morning and declares that he's not going to school, but he seems to have no problems with the separation at drop off, and reports that he's having fun at the end of each day. Today he has gym class and tomorrow will be his first school portrait day.

Emily is also doing great. She loves to pet her kitty and feed her kitty treats. She starting to talk too. She was looking at a picture of animals today and said "sheep"...when we looked at the picture, she had her finger right on the sheep! She got it right and said it clearly! Now if she would just sleep at night.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Jason's 2nd Day

Uh-oh. Jason's 2nd day of school did not go quite as smoothly as day 1. Before I left for work this morning, I gave the little guy a kiss and said, "have a good day at school today."
He then looked at me and replied, "Oh, I'm not going to school today....I'm going to stay home and watch Barney."

At that point, I knew we were a in trouble! My wife reports that he was very defiant after that. He gave her a hard time getting dressed, struggled to resist being buckled into his car seat, and repeated over and over during the drive over that he didn't want to go back to school. Then...HE FREAKED!!!

They do this curb side drop off/pick up thing where you pull over and a teacher opens the car door to collect the child.. Apparently that did not go over too well and he threw a total nutty....kicking, screaming, crying, squirming, thrashing, etc. Once the teacher finally got him out of the van and began carrying him toward the school gym, he stuck both of his arms out and cried, "Mommy, don't leave me."

And that was the last thing my wife saw/heard before she had to pull away. Needless to say, she's now a basket case with guilt and anxiety.

The good news is that upon picking him up for the day, the teacher reports that he calmed down fairly quickly and actually had a good, fun day.

On the baseball front, The Sox pounded the shit out of the Angels last night. Manny and Millar busted out the big sticks to back up a solid Schilling performance. Anaheim also hurt themselves with errors, which is just fine by me. The Yankees also lost 2-0 to the Twins. I have mixed emotions about this series because although I feel like going through Minnesota is the easier path to the World Series, who wouldn't like to see a re-match of last year's ALCS between the Yankees and RedSox?!! Although, that would just suck if the Sox lost it again in game 7 or something stupid like that. Check that....I want the Yankees to lose this series in 5 so that we can face a tired Twins club

Tonight... game 2 between Pedro and Bartolo. That should be a good one.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Jason's Big Day

Today was my son Jason's first day of school. The little pee-wee looked cute with his little RedSox nap-sack and new haircut. He actually did much better than I anticipated. He's such a shy little guy, that I was sure that he would freak out when he realized that we were going to be leaving him there, but there were no problems at all. At least it's only a 2 1/2 hour preschool class.

His new teacher advised that we slip out the door without saying good-bye while he was being engaged by another teacher. YIKES! We did it and it worked, but man did I feel guilty that he might think he was being abandoned. When my wife went to pick him up, his teacher said he'd had a great day with no crying and no problems. I guess the little dude is worn out from his big day because he fell asleep on the couch at home at 11:30am.

I suppose that the big test will now be whether he goes back willingly tomorrow. Either way, I'm proud of him.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Another Fucking Monday!

It's Monday! I really hate Mondays. I always stay up too late on Sundays, watching football and fighting the fact that I should get some sleep before the start of another work week. So now I'm here at work, bored and tired, with way too much to do and no will to get started. My wife is mad at me, so I guess it's a little better than being at home right now, but not much. I'd rather take my son to the park and run through the woods pretending we're being chased by dinosaurs.

As I predicted, the Pats blew out the Bills by 2 touchdowns yesterday. I didn't really get to enjoy the game because my kids were really needy. As a matter of fact, that's what my wife is mad about. I wanted to watch some of the game so that apparently makes me "lazy" and "selfish". Next weekend will be worse because I will want to try to watch the Pats-Dolphins game AND potentially 1 or 2 RedSox ALDS games. That should be interesting. I can't wait until my kids (or at least my son) are old enough to either keep themselves entertained for a few hours, or to sit down and watch the game with me. looks like the Sox are heading to Anaheim tomorrow. This is not great news, because the Angels are hot. I guess we have to hope that Schilling shuts them down and gets a win in Game 1, and maybe that they are spent from fighting 'till the bitter end against Oakland to win their division. The schedule sucks for this series too. Game 1 at 4:00 on Tuesday and then Game 2 at 10:00pm on Wednesday. WTF!!!! Hello....ESPN....east coast people work during the week but still want to see their playoff teams actually play the games. Why don't they put them both on at 8:00pm during the week? This schedule doesn't even make sense for coast to coast traveling. Don't you think these teams would rather play an earlier game on Wednesday night before flying from CA to MA?

Anyway....I could use a drink and a nap!

Friday, October 01, 2004

It's Friday and....

I'm so tired!

I did my best to stay up and watch the whole debate last night, but these days 10:00 is a stretch for me on a weeknight. I saw about half of it before falling asleep on the couch. I read the transcripts this morning and I think Kerry definitely kicked Bush's ass.

The Sox are playing tonight, but it's not worth watching, because what they do at this point doesn't matter. Right now, it's more fun to scoreboard watch the Oakland-Anaheim game and to keep an eye on Minnesota. It would be nice to know what the ALDS match-ups will be, but at least there is still a reason to pay attention to baseball over the weekend.

The Pats will be in Buffalo on Sunday. I think they will win by at least 10 points. I suppose this has the makings for a classic "trap game", but I don't see it happening. I'm pretty sure that Drew Bledsoe will be lucky to walk off of the field without assistance after the Patritos' D tees-off on him. If the Pats win, they will have won 18 games in a row, which ties them for the record.

Damn I love this time of year!!!!