Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My Poker Song

I came up with a few ideas for the title of my poker song:
-I Always Pay to See the Flop
-He Called my Bluff
-I Should've Laid it Down
-I am the RiverDog
-Splash the Pot
-The Nut Flush
-Super Tight (this title might be good for a sex song too!)
-Flop Turn River

Hell, I could use all of these and make a whole poker album. This would sell great with a 3 pronged marketing blitz:
1. on 2:00am infomercials
2. on 30 second spots during late night poker tournament re-runs
3. on the internet in pop-up adds

I'm thinking this song needs to be a rock song, with a little country steel guitar, plus some wicky-wicky. Remember, I'm not an artist, I'm a capitalist, so I don't care if it's any good...I just want it to SELL BABY SELL. So I'm thinking of this as a classic Kid Rock kind of song. It would appeal to the mainstream, and even perhaps have that little bit of country dink sound to appeal to the old bastard poker players.


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