Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Here Come the Sox

Holy crap. I can actually see a scenario where the Red Sox might be able to take the AL East!!!
They won last night in extra innings (even though Lowe sucked AGAIN!!!), and the Yankees got rained out against Minnesota. That puts us 2 1/2 out today with Pedro on the mound against Todd Ritchie for the Devil Rays (0-2 10.29 ERA). That should be a convincing win for the Sox.

The Yankees are now stuck with a double-header against the Twins today. Minnesota will start Johan Santana (aka Cy Young) in the day game against Mike Mussina. The night game will be a battle between two mediocre starters with Leiber (13-8, 4.37) for the Yanks and Lohse (8-11, 5.31) for the Twins.

It's a stretch, and it probably won't happen, but if the Sox win and the Yankees drop two to the Twins today, WE COULD BE 1 GAME BACK WITH 4 TO PLAY !

And..... in the event of a tie, the Red Sox would win the division based on their head-to-head record against New York.

I'm still on the fence about whether it's worth fighting for this instead of preparing for the playoffs and resting guys. It also may not even come to any kind of decision, if the Yankees don't drop at least one game today and/or the Red Sox don't win, but it's an interesting scenario.

Not only would it be nice to steal the division from the Evil Empire, it would be great to take home field advantage, since the Sox are such a dominant club at Fenway.

Mahow Mahow.


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